New Recorder, Night Sounds, 9:28pm, 10-4-24
Phone pic from a walk. Sometime in 2023.
I’ve used a Zoom H5 in some capacity or another since 2017 and I love everything about it. (Perhaps because it was my first digital recorder I ever worked with.) The display is simple, I love the gain knob with the safety bar across the front. It’s simple and straightforward. Even when I picked up more advanced equipment— either for work or for my own stuff— the H5 lived in my camera bag. And for the same reason my everyday camera did—to catch whatever came up at the time. Most of the time I had to set the gain once and leave it, so this led to some bad tape sometimes.
To solve this problem (and with some birthday money) I picked up a Zoom H4essential, which has built-in X/Y mics, and…can record in 32 bit float.
I don’t know how I feel about it yet.